If you have information, stories, photographs, etc., to share about anyone in my family, please contact me - howardka at earthlink.net. If you use anything from this blog, please contact me for permission to post/use elsewhere. I don't mind sharing but would like credit for these original posts and family photos.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Green Berry and Caroline Hicks Jowers

The photographs below are of my great grandparents, Green Berry and Caroline Hicks Jowers. They are my granddaddy's parents and my daddy's grandparents (obviously). I remember seeing this framed photograph as a young child. I really didn't give it much thought other than it was somebody in Granddaddy's family. The original photograph is rather large and it hung in my grandparents', Hilliard Edgar and Annie Gilley Jowers, home near Leonia, Florida for many years. After my grandmother died, it hung in my parents' home in Talllahassee, Florida. Now my brother, Kevin, has it in his home. Now I treasure it as a link to the past and am very glad it has survived all these years. I wish there were more early photos of the Jowers family members.

I used my camera to take a picture of the original. Then I cropped the original into larger photographs of Green Berry and Caroline Hicks Jowers.

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